small holder farmers palm oil plant in nigeria

small holder farmers palm oil plant in nigeria
  • small holder farmers palm oil plant in nigeria
small holder farmers palm oil plant in nigeria
small holder farmers palm oil plant in nigeria
small holder farmers palm oil plant in nigeria
small holder farmers palm oil plant in nigeria
  • How can smallholder oil palm farmers improve yields in Nigeria?
  • Integrating smallholder oil palm farmers into the palm oil supply chain has increased farmers¡¯ yields from 2.7 to 7.4 tons per hectare in Nigeria.
  • Can Nigeria improve palm oil production?
  • About 80 per cent of palm oil production in the country comes from dispersed smallholder farmers. Given the right capacity building, Nigeria can improve palm oil production. Solidaridad has been working with farmers and national stakeholders to contribute to this prospect. Sunday Oyama Odong, programme participant from Cross River state
  • Where does oil palm grow in Nigeria?
  • Oil palm is native to West and Central Africa, but whereas farmers have tended palm trees as part of the larger forest, the Nigerian government¡¯s plans ¡ª which place Wilmar and other industrial growers at the center ¡ª are prompting a wave of change. The government lacks structures to support smallholders.
  • Who grows oil palm?
  • Oil palm is grown by a mix of large plantation companies (either privately or government-owned) who own estates, and smallholder farmers. Most sources (including the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil) define oil palm smallholders as farmers controlling 50 hectares or less of cultivated land.