how to make sunflower oil cold pressed in zambia

how to make sunflower oil cold pressed in zambia
  • how to make sunflower oil cold pressed in zambia
how to make sunflower oil cold pressed in zambia
how to make sunflower oil cold pressed in zambia
how to make sunflower oil cold pressed in zambia
how to make sunflower oil cold pressed in zambia
  • How to make sunflower oil?
  • When it comes to making sunflower oil, the two main methods are cold pressing and solvent extraction. Cold pressing is the more traditional method of extracting oil from the sunflower seeds, and involves pressing the seeds without any heat.
  • What is cold pressed sunflower oil?
  • The most common method of producing sunflower oil is known as cold pressing. This process involves pressing the sunflower seeds without the use of heat, thereby preserving the oils natural nutrients and antioxidants. Cold-pressed sunflower oil is considered to be the highest quality, as it retains all of its beneficial properties.
  • How much is a bag of sunflower worth in Zambia?
  • Most farmers prefer to sell their sunflower as seeds and grain rather than process it because they receive sales income immediately. But now that Mrs. Kamuwikeni is adding value to her sunflower harvest, she is making twice the money she used to make. A bag of sunflower weighing 25 kilograms is sold at 150 Zambia Kwacha (about $6.60 US).
  • How much does Naomi kamuwikeni sell a bag of sunflower?
  • Mrs Kamuwikeni can sell a 25-kg bag of sunflower for 150 Zambia Kwacha ($6.60 US). Or she can process that bag into 10 litres of cooking oil and sell it for 430 Kwacha ($19 US). It¡¯s seven o¡¯clock in the morning and Naomi Kamuwikeni is quickly walking to the oil expeller at Gondar market. She is carrying sunflowers to process into oil.